Almond Buckwheat Bread

Preparation time
20 mins
Cooking time
840 mins
6 people
Meal course
Any Meal
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1/2 cup
chia seeds
1 1/2 tbsp
Lemon Juice
1/2 cup
Almond Buckwheat Bread
This is a raw gluten free bread great for eating with sano butter or any of the other compound butters, salads, or meals. it can be sweetened with any of the low glycemic sweeteners or Honey & Maple when the blood sugar condition improves.


wpurp-searchable-recipe]Almond Buckwheat Bread- – Vegan bread, bread, Almond Flour, Buckwheat flour, Chia Seed, Irish Moss, Salt, lemon juice, monk Fruit ; ; ; ; – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]

  1. Place all dry ingredients in a medium bowl. Add water, Irish moss paste, Monk Fruit, and lemon and mix together using wooden spoon. Hand fold the batter, making sure everything is well combined.
  2. Remove the dough onto the paraflex sheet that comes with your dehydrator. If you do not have a dehydrator, put in oven on warm of the lowest setting. Shape the dough into the size of loaf that you want.
  3. Mark lines diagonally with a knife.
  4. Dehydrate at 145 degrees for 2 hours, then lower to 115 degrees and dehydrate for 12 hours. If you are using an oven, set it to the lowest setting leave the door ajar for 8 to12 hours.

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